Midterm Exam Schedule & Expectations

Students must be in uniform for all midterm exams. Study hall will be held in the cafeteria throughout the exam period.

Just a few instructions:
  • Students taking the first-period exam must report to their assigned testing room by 8 a.m., just like any other normal school day. Students who arrive after 8:00 a.m. are considered late. Late students will not be permitted into the exam room without an admission slip from the Attendance Office between 8:00 and 8:15.

  • Students not taking the first exam at 8:00 a.m. must enter the building through the Main Office doors. Students should not be opening the lobby doors to let people into the building.

  • For the second and third exams, please report to your assigned testing room 10 minutes prior to the test time, so that the exams may begin promptly.

  • Once an exam begins, late students will not be permitted into the exam room. If late, you will need to reschedule your mid-term in the School Counseling Office. Make-up tests for late students can only be taken during conflict periods that same day.

  • Please remember that the use of cell phones and bathroom breaks are not permitted during the exam period. Smart and Fitbit watches will also be prohibited in the classroom during exams. Talking is prohibited until all exams are collected. Once all exams are collected, students may quietly chat or read until the scheduled test period is complete. Students may not use electronics until the bell rings to signal the end of the exam period. Students will not be dismissed early from an exam period.

  • In addition, there will be no extended time provided on mid-term exams unless a student was previously pre-approved by the Instructional Support team. Those students who are pre-approved for an extended time will be dismissed to the Library for exam completion, as needed. Students with a first and third period exam time, but no second-period exam, must report to the cafeteria for study hall during the 2nd exam period. Wandering in the halls is not permitted.

  • Leaving and re-entering the building is not permitted. Students must leave the building immediately after their last exam each day. If you need to wait for a bus, please wait in the cafeteria. School district bus transportation will be provided per the regular 3:00 p.m. schedule. The Elizabethtown, Ephrata Walmart, and Holy Trinity buses will follow separate schedules, which will be provided by the drivers.

  • Note that testing may be in progress throughout the building. It is important that a quiet environment is maintained, especially in lobby areas. Once out of the building, students may not re-enter without a valid purpose. Parents should note that supervision will not be provided between the end of the third final and end of the normal school day.

Thanks for abiding by the above rules for midterm exams, which provide an organized and fair testing environment for all students.
Study hard and good luck!