March for Life Update

We are very excited about the upcoming March For Life on January 18th. We are grateful to St. John Neumann parish in Lancaster for their willingness to coordinate with us so we can accommodate the over 70 students who have signed up to attend this year’s March.
Please note that we have a small change in our departure time. We will now meet at 7AM and attend Mass at St. John Neumann at 7:30 with the group from their parish. We depart by 8:30. The return is scheduled for around 3PM with a stop for dinner on the way home. Return to St. John Neumann will be between 8PM and 9PM and is dependent on traffic in and around Washington DC.
We will provide a small breakfast snack and drink but participates need to bring a lunch and drink. Do not assume you will find a food vendor at the March. Remember you will be outside all day. Sturdy shoes or boots, gloves and weather appropriate attire is necessary. The bus will not be accessible during the day. Students will receive a detailed list of Do’s and Don’ts for the March.
If you have any questions please contact Campus Ministry prior to Friday the 18th at 717.509.0315 ext 123 and speak to Mr. Bamert or Ms. Cybulski, or email us [email protected].