School Counseling & Social Work

The School Counseling & Social Work Department at Lancaster Catholic High School is available to students and their families to help support their academic, career, and personal needs. Four professionally trained School Counselors, a professionally trained Social Worker, and an administrative assistant make up the Counseling & Social Work Team, however, the role of the School Counselor serves as a conduit to teachers, administrators, coaches, parents, and outside care providers. Unique to LCHS, we assign students to a counselor randomly and we allow students the option of choosing their own counselor.

We assist individual students with a variety of different issues:
  • Academics
  • College preparation and application process
  • Grief
  • Addictions
  • Learning differences
  • Standardized testing
  • Crisis intervention
  • Personal developments

Additionally, we serve as a referral source, connecting students and their families to care providers in the community. We welcome the opportunity to meet and partner with parents and their children to provide the support needed to navigate through the high school years.